


Suzuka Secondary School Sports Festival 2024 By Sawa Muraoka 5th Grade Class 2

On June 14, SSS held its sports festival at Chuou Ryokuchi Kouen.
Students, divided into six different colored groups, competed in several activities, including the 50m race, 100m race, 200m race, tug of war, obstacle race, three-legged race, tail tag, and 6-color relay.
Students from 1st to 3rd grade also had an assigned dance, while those in 4th to 6th grade danced to choreographies made by the 6th graders.
For the 4th to 6th graders, judges chose the best dance out of the six groups.
Yellow won the dance performance and also placed first in the final results.
The second place was blue, and the third was purple.
Despite the scorching weather, many enjoyed the projects and carried out their assigned activity wonderfully.