


Suzuka Secondary School Students Participate in JEMUN 2024 By Eita Hamaguchi, 5th Grade Class 4

From July 13th to July 15th, SSS students were in Osaka to participate in JEMUN (Japan English Model United Nations).
This event, hosted by Kindai University, is an international event where high school and university students discuss and debate real world issues as nation delegates to create resolutions.
Out of the eight participants who participated in JEMUN, six were delegates, and two were volunteers who helped to keep the event running smoothly.
The whole experience was an unforgettable one for all of them.

Here are some comments from the participants:

Eita Hamaguchi – Country Represented: Costa Rica

The third day had a lot of moments when we were required to have our own opinions as delegates of our countries.
As I was not good at formulating my opinion, I found the day quite challenging. However, because of the experience, I realized how important it is to have your own thoughts.
I believe that realization is essential, and I hope this experience is the next step to living a more independent life.

Sawa Muraoka – Country Represented: Australia

Without the use of English, I probably would not have been able to have the same tremendous experience during the three days in JEMUN.
During all procedures, from introductions to voting procedures, delegates were required to speak mainly in English, which assisted me in speaking my mind clearly to other delegates when having both formal and informal debates.
Furthermore, I had the chance to socialize greatly with fellow delegates on my committee. I believe our passion for debate, MUN, and English was the key to becoming an extremely united team.

Akimi Fujiwara – Country Represented: Brazil

I remember the time well when I presented the information about the theme in Brazil.
I made my presentation depending on the Internet, so I did not know if the information was accurate. Therefore, I could not present it with enough confidence, so I thought the audience would not understand what I wanted to say.
However, it turned out that they got the points later! Maybe some emphasis was made by my talking.
I was really glad at the moment.

Koshi Uchida – Country Represented: Qatar

After the meeting, I talked with people who had discussions at the same table and from the same area.
Since we were from many different places, we had a lot of fun talking about our hometown.
We exchanged our Instagram accounts, and I hope that our exchange will continue.

Aoto Morimoto – Country Represented: Italy

It was a place that demanded English skills and background knowledge at a high level.
Courage was also needed to actively approach others to communicate and ask about things you don’t understand.
I will use this experience for my future self.